Bob Milliken

Sales & Leadership Experience

Salesman of the Year-5 Times
Sales Manager of the Year
19 Consecutive Years Over Quota
US Army Combat Veteran-Bronze Star

Sales Training Experience

Xerox. Systema. Zig Ziglar.
Persuasive Communications.
Non-Manipulative Selling.
Solution Selling.
Milliken Sales Training.

Upcoming New Sales Book

“Selling Lemonade To Golfers”

I did standup comedy for 5 years.
People I respected offered advice.
“Don’t quit your day job.”
Thankfully, my day job was sales.


Selling Lemonade To Golfers

18 Lessons For Beginners & Professionals

By Bob Milliken

The Front 9

  1. You Got Some Style!
  2. Is Sales Fun? The TRUTH 🙂
  3. I Want To Get Engaged
  4. Sales Brains Are Different
  5. The Performance Artists
  6. Intuition
  7. I’ve Got a Question For Ya
  8. It’s About Time!!!!
  9. You Can Trust Me. I’m a Salesman. Gimme Your Wallet.
01 Best-3 Amigos

The Back 9

  1. OMG. I’m So Sorry! I’ve Got No Filter
  2. 10 Minutes. Pure Salesmanship. Seminar Pitch. 
  3. Trouble With The Curve
  4. The Confident Closer
  5. Hunger. Kick Your Own A**
  6. Compete. Controlled Aggression. Punk. Sorry.
  7. Sales Managers. We’re Pushy
  8. Are You Giving Me Attitude?
  9. Face In The Mirror

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